Affordable PRP injections! Your FIRST PRP injection only requires payment for supplies. – kickstart your cost effective injections for thriving health and enhanced healing! Request an Appointment What are PRP Injections? PRP Injections PRP therapy unlocks your body’s growth factors to heal and soothe inflammation, offering tangible relief for those troublesome joint pains. Plus, it’s...
Category: <span>Treatments</span>
Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy (Facet RF)
A radiofrequency neurotomy is an injection that treats facet joint pain or sacroiliac joint pain due to arthritis or other degenerative issues related to injury. During this procedure, lesions are produced on certain nerves using heat. The goal is to disrupt pain signals travelling to the brain, therefore preventing you from feeling the pain. Radiofrequency...
Lumbar Sympathetic Block
A lumbar sympathetic block is a medical injection used to alleviate pain in the lower back or legs (sciatica). It can be used to treat several issues, including reflex sympathetic dystrophy, complex regional pain syndrome, and herpes zoster infections (shingles) involving the legs.
Spinal Cord Stimulation
Spinal cord stimulation is a technique that disrupts pain signals before they can reach your brain. A small, pacemaker-like, device is inserted into the body to deliver electrical signals to the spinal cord. This could be an option for you if you experience chronic back, leg, or arm pain and have been unsuccessful with other therapies.
Kyphoplasty is a method of stabilizing spinal compression fractures. The damaged area in the vertebrae is injected with bone cement. This damage is frequently the result of osteoporosis. The cement hardens around the fracture and helps support your spine.
Discography (or discogram) is a diagnostic tool that can help physicians identify if a particular disc or discs is the origin of back pain. Discs are injected with a sterile substance to produce pressure and induce pain in the injured area.
Medial Branch Block
A medial branch block is a potent anesthetic injection in the medial branch nerves, which supply the facet joints. The facet joints (or zygapophysial joints) are small interlocking bumps on the bony structure of the spine. In the presence of some acute chronic conditions, the facet joints become inflamed. In the lower back (lumbar) region...
Caudal Epidural Injections
If you are experiencing chronic pain because of a herniated disc, sciatica, bone spurs, or other spinal issue, you may be recommended a caudal epidural steroid injection. This simple outpatient procedure involves a steroid-anesthetic medication being injected into the sacral region opening.
Transforaminal Injections
Transforaminal injection is used to mitigate pain in the lower back, legs, and feet produced by herniated discs and other spinal issues. When the “roots” (the part closest to your spinal cord) of nerves that stretch from your spine to your legs become disturbed or swollen because of an impaired disc or other condition, it...
Sacroiliac Injections
Sacroiliac (SI) joint injections are used to alleviate pain stemming from swollen SI joints, two small joints located at the bottom of the spine. While they don’t produce much movement, these joints are significant. They absorb the downward force of the upper body and distribute the weight to the hips and legs. Irritated or inflamed...
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