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The average adult needs at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Your body uses the time spent sleeping to repair & refresh both body and brain. Getting less than 7 hours of sleep has been linked to higher rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and depression in addition to a weakened immune system.

Along with good nutrition and mental well-being, good sleep fuels us to live our best lives!

The “Do’s” & “Don’ts” to becoming a good sleeper

Drink a glass of warm milk (milk contains tryptophan – a chemical known to promote sleep) Consume caffeine close to bed time (stays active in your body for 12 hrs)
Let yourself unwind (do relaxation breathing to calm your mind and body) Drink alcohol (interferes with health sleep patterns)
Reduce environmental stimuli (try earplugs and sleep mask) Smoke – increases heart rate & induces breathing difficulties related to poor sleep
Adjust the temperature to a comfortable level Eat heavy, spicy, or rich food right before bed
Only get in bed when really ready to sleep Exercise within 3 hours of bedtime

3 steps to take for a better night’s sleep:

  • Decrease stimulus before bedtime: (consider removing the T.V. from the bedroom)
  • Establish a bedtime routine (do the same simple ritual each night before sleep).
  • Don’t lay in bed longer than 20 minutes (if you can’t fall asleep —> get up, do something and try again)

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